
I bought a new camera in 2008 and I've been making quite a nuisance of myself with it ever since. Some of my better efforts are posted below in thumbnail form. The pictures are saved with EXIF data (time and date taken etc.) intact in most cases- the exception being the panoramic pictures which are composites of several photo`s.

If you have come across this site by chance, like what you see and have some use for such illustrations please feel free to copy these thumbnails. Please use them unedited (i.e. leave my name on them) and do let me know. Each picture is captioned with at least the name of the original file. Those originals are available at my discretion.

Durham City.

Durham Miner's Gala.

Hardwick Hall, Sedgefield

Kirk Merrington


Whitworth Hall, Spennymoor

Yorkshire Lavender.


I'm currently reorganizing and updating things. Old pages will reappear and more new photo's will be added as I progress.