
Raby Castle




RCPanorama. Panorama.

Barnard Castle

P1010953. A view of the Castle across the Tees.

P1010958. Bowes Museum.

P1010976. The Butter Market also known (wrongly) as the Market Cross.

P1010986. A view of the Castle from a footbridge over the Tees.

Hartlepool Historic Quay

To be honest they've got a bit of a nerve calling it historic since it was built from the ground up only a few years ago. The ships are certainly historic though- they've been restoring vessels here for many a year including H.M.S. Warrior- the first iron clad warship which has since moved on.

P1030008. Wingfield Castle- a ferry of '30s vintage that was operated by the L.N.E.R. She really ought to be in the travel section but I want to keep the Quay pictures together and those masts behind it belong to....

P1030012. The frigate H.M.S. Trincomalee seen here from the Wingfield Castle and unambiguously and unashamedly a battle wagon. Frigates are usefully described as "bigger than anything faster and faster than anything bigger". She was in Hartlepool for years undergoing restoration before being opened to the public. My first visit was in 1991 when I spent an interesting but gruelling hour or so scrambling around her with some very heavy video equipment.

P1030021. I think very highly of my camera but the wide angle end of the zoom goes down to the equivalent of 28mm and that's just not wide enough to get a complete view of the Trincomalee. I feel a panorama coming on.

P1010976. Oh @#$*!

Tees Cottage Pumping Station, Darlington.

An old water pumping works Tees Cottage preserves steam and gas powered pumping engines and operates them on several open days every year on Bank Holiday weekends. Click here to visit their page on the Commun-i-Gate website. (Communigate? CommuniGate? Not sure how to spell that honestly.)

P1030316. The pump house

P1030343. The top floor of the pump-house with the great beam of the steam engine rocking at about eight beats per minute.

Bishop Auckland

P1030746. The gate house to Bishop Auckland Castle- now the Bishop of Durham's Palace.

P1030750. Golden hour picture of the Market Place.

P1040419. The Palace at sunset.

P1040422. The Market Place at Sunset.

Odds and Ends

P1030977. Tree near Chilton.

P1040152. The Castle Eden Railway walk footbridge at Wynyard Station.

P1040386. A sunset in Chilton.

P1040412. Another one from Chilton. Not really a sunset but looking into the sun.

As noted elsewhere these are thumbnail pictures. Most of the originals are saved in .RAW format and are at least eight megapixels. All of them are available at my discretion. For reference each caption begins with the photo's filename

Re-using these pictures as presented on this site (i.e. preserving my contact details and this site's URL) for any non-commercial purposes is fine, indeed welcomed, so if you need a picture to illustrate your own site and like one you see here help yourself though please do let me know. If you want to edit off the contact details then print and sell hundreds of postcards move along.

If you have a non-commercial use for an unbranded thumbnail, or even one of the originals, you can but ask. The worst thing I can do is say no and I'll try to be polite even then.

If you have a commercial use for any of these pictures you are still very welcome to get in touch. In fact I'll be tickled pink.