Whitworth Hall is now an hotel. The lovely grounds include a walled garden and used to accommodate a plant nursery and a restaurant. Both businesses were unceremoniously turfed out in 2011.
P1010839. Whitworth Hall's famously shy Fallow Deer.
P1010858. A small part of the walled garden.
P1010870. Plotting the next mugging.
P1010890. This duck is about to have a word with the deer to explain who the bread is for.
P1030083. Mother and brood.
P1030093. They couldn't be cuter if they wore little hats.
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Re-using these pictures as presented on this site (i.e. preserving my contact details and this site's URL) for any non-commercial purposes is fine, indeed welcomed, so if you need a picture to illustrate your own site and like one you see here help yourself though please do let me know. If you want to edit off the contact details then print and sell hundreds of postcards move along.
If you have a non-commercial use for an unbranded thumbnail, or even one of the originals, you can but ask. The worst thing I can do is say no and I'll try to be polite even then.
If you have a commercial use for any of these pictures you are still very welcome to get in touch. In fact I'll be tickled pink.