A small village with no claim to fame but it sits right on the crest of the ridge between the Tees and Wear valleys making it visible from miles around and granting it some fine views. It features prominently here only because I used to live there, live nearby and pass through it quite often.
P1020046. At sunset from Chilton.
KMPanorama. At sunset from Chilton- Panorama.
P1030896. On a misty day from Thinford.
P1040325. The Church at sunset. I hadn't realized that Kirk Merrington was so close to Mordor.
KMPanorama2. ...and panorama.
P1040362. Another evening a few days later.
P1040364. And from the other side...
KMPanorama3. And widescreen.
P1040385. Another sunset looking south from the village.
P1040567. You see part of the problem is that my dad still lives in Kirk Merrington and, since I'm only five minutes away, whenever he can't figure out how to do something on his computer muggins here gets to do it (which means I'm there every other day or so- tee hee). If I'm coming or going when there's a sunset...
P1040385. ...or an interesting looking misty morning it's difficult to resist taking a photograph.
KMPanorama5. Or two and stitching them together.
KMPanorama6. Or a dozen and stitching them together.
P1120117. This is either fog or low cloud. In Merrington the distinction is probably academic.
As noted elsewhere these are thumbnail pictures. Most of the originals are saved in .RAW format and are at least eight megapixels. All of them are available at my discretion. For reference each caption begins with the photo's filename
Re-using these pictures as presented on this site (i.e. preserving my contact details and this site's URL) for any non-commercial purposes is fine, indeed welcomed, so if you need a picture to illustrate your own site and like one you see here help yourself though please do let me know. If you want to edit off the contact details then print and sell hundreds of postcards move along.
If you have a non-commercial use for an unbranded thumbnail, or even one of the originals, you can but ask. The worst thing I can do is say no and I'll try to be polite even then.
If you have a commercial use for any of these pictures you are still very welcome to get in touch. In fact I'll be tickled pink.